signalraum – pongracz

signalraum für klang und kunst

György Pongracz

Wednesday, 27 March 2013, 6pm

Introduction into the work with MOTION TRACKING systems for dancers

We are planning to continue the use of MOTION TRACKING systems in order to generate new links between sound, performance und visuals which we started last year.

If the demand is high enough, we will create a whole series of events dealing with this topic. Interested dancers are cordially invited to this introductory event with György Pongracz. Participation is free of charge. Please register on

Body Composer

Dance, visual and musical expression through media-technological possibilities.

The body itself generates the sounds and visual results there and then.

The focus is set on the experimental and performative investigation of the link between body movement, music and visuals.

Together with the musicians, the dancers generate sound sensations and visual elements through their movements and motion-tracking environments.

Dance can be heard, music can be seen and the borders between the media blur.

The composition of virtual environments is based on the use of the camera motion-tracking system "EyesWeb".

The EyesWeb software was developed at the University of Genoa in line with an EU project (MEGA).

The programme can be played on a Windows PC and downloaded for free.

Concept and realisation

György Pongracz György Pongracz, media artist