signalraum –symposion
signalraum –symposion
▶ MATCHPOINT: LECTURE AND TALK am 18. & 19. Juni 2013
Zusammen mit der griechischen Kuratorin Eva Kekou setzen wir unsere Reihe mit Veranstaltungen zu Fragen der Medienkunst im SIGNALRAUM fort. In einer zweitägigen Veranstaltung wollen wir in erster Linie internationale Perspektiven auf die Kunst diskutieren und vorstellen. Getreu unserem diesjährigen Jahresmotto, werden wir uns dabei auch besonders auf die Zuschauer konzentrieren. Welchen Einfluss billigt man der Kunst zu? Welche Notwendigkeit besteht überhaupt, sich der Kunst auszusetzen und welche Rolle spielt sie in der individuellen Lebensplanung. Ist sie Freizeitgestaltung, Lebensmittel, oder eher unbedeutender Randaspekt. Gut zu wissen, dass es sie gibt, aber....
Wir haben dazu internationale KünstlerInnen eingeladen, sich per Liveschaltung zu beteiligen. Aus finanziellen und ökologischen Gesichtspunkten halten wir es nicht für notwendig, alle Teilnehmerinnen des Symposiums physisch anwesend zu haben, sondern arbeiten mit einer Mischung von virtueller und physischer Livepräsenz.
Wir freuen uns, dass hochkarätige Vertreter ihrer Zunft mit spannenden Präsentationen ihre Teilnahme zugesagt haben:
Am 18. Juni ab 17.30
U.a. mit: Sue Golliffer, Ekmel Ertan, Haytham Nawar, Lewis Kaye, Scott Kildall , Anna Dumitriu, Ana Carvalho und Maurice Benayoun.
Am 19.Juni ab 19.00
This panel is going to discuss crisis as a situation of emergency for change and transition and how this situation is seen and experienced in Greece.The panel consists of freelance artists, curator at museum, foreigner artists living in Greece, artists who have immigrated abroad due to the cirisis, festival organisers and university/researchers at the athens school of tine lab. aim is to discuss how we all deal with crisis and situation of emergency.
invited spakers:
Eva Kekou (Organizer)
Achilleas Kentonis( Artos Foundation)
Dimitris Michalaros( Kodra Festival./Thessaloniki)
Anna Mykoniati (Curator.State Contemporaty Museum of Thessaloniki)
Eleftheria Gerofoka (Actress/Sweden)
Hara Vlahou (animasyros)
Nefeli Dimitriadou and Manthos Santorineos (athens school of fine arts/media art lab)
This is a two days symposium thought out to discuss art, science and technology from the perspectives, initiatives, work and idea from artists in different corners of the world, presenting their work, art statements and art scene in their country respectively while to discuss how audience responds to the practices and how the new emerging forms of art,science and technology have an impact on creating a globalized network.
On the first day of the symposium the speakers ( Turkey, UK, Canada,US) will discuss their work and will be prepared to answer questions from the audience as a part of discourse and dialectics with the art,science and technology audience based in Germany.
Second day of the symposium will be a greek panel where each presenter will introduce oneself/work for a short time and will discuss in a panel the situation in greece, how expression/art can be a stimulation for new emerged networks, transition or if economic depression can result to opposite impacts. Each presenter coming from an institutionalized or non-institutionalised perspective ( museum, gallery, collective, freelance artist etc) will express and position oneself about his experience with the regards to the current situation in greece as a citizen, artist, one who lives and experiences the situation from inside. In the diverse panel are invited to discuss greek artists who live abroad, foreigner artists in Greece, gallery owners and museum /curators, freelance artists etc.
Aim of the panel is to reflect the situation in Greece, how people strive through artistic means to keep a positive spirit up and how art is linked with politics/if so.
Audience is encouraged to pose questions
There will be a documentation from the two days symposium and presenters who wish their presentation/paper can be published.
Audience is encouraged to pose questions
There will be a documentation from the two days symposium and presenters who wish their presentation/paper can be published.
signalraum - gefördert vom Kulturreferat der Landeshauptstadt München. Impressum.